How to Create Your Own Religion?

Imagine this, creating your own religion, what would it take, how would you go about it and what would be the benefits? Let’s go over it, such an interesting topic to discuss.

First of all, before I begin with the benefits, let me first say no offense to anyone that is currently religious. If you are sensitive to religious discussion then better off not reading. That is not the intention of this post to offend anyone in anyway. If one however is offended then I would seriously consider looking at your religion and why creative conversation has an issue within your ideology. This post is mainly for humor and interest sake, if you feel you have something constructive to offer or add to this post then please consider commenting below.

woman spiritual

Image from Pixabay

The Benefits of Creating a Religion are many:

  1. Tax Free – This would be the big play card in many religions, skipping tax.
  2. Adoration – People follow and will do things for the religion based on the aspects of what the religion tells them. This adoration equals free work.
  3. Money – Most religions around the world make ridiculous amounts of money so this could be another reason.. And to think, tax free as well. This money can be used in many ways to support the religion plus give the structure of the religion an easy platform to live well.
  4. For Power – Most religions are based on control and power so this aspect means all your followers of the religion can do the work for the religion rather than any other normal institution.
  5. Whatever Benefits You Want – The creator of the religion can basically create the rules to what they desire. Similar to the teachings of other mainstream religions.. Let’s have a look at some common ones from around the world – How many wives would you like? How much money? ( donations ) How many houses would you like.. Is your God Nice or Fearful..? Should the religion encourage fear in the followers by suggesting Death has punishment?

… However radical, if you can make people believe it, that is religion.

Okay, so they are some of the many benefits, as you can see they are many, including power, money, great sex life, you name it, there are many choices. But let’s get to the crunch bit, how does one create that scenario. Is it possible to do just by telling people what your new found religion does or is based on?

women meditating

Well, let’s look at some Promotion Methods and Concepts For This Religion:

  1. Firstly you have to come up with some God figure, this can be similar to some other religions if you want or you could even go the path of no God as well. That is up to you how you want to set up your belief system. 
  2. Now you need to find people to believe in it. Let’s say, finding ten people to start it off with. You need to look for susceptible people that are looking for answers that your religion solves.
  3. Now, you need to ( brainwash ) make  them believe that either this God is Good or Bad. The good news is you could create a Good God rather than trying to invoke fear in people. While fear 2,000 odd years ago worked to get people to follow extreme religious faith, these days are different and fear is not good anyway.  So, let’s imagine creating a good God, wise, cares, is loving and peaceful. The God is all energy or whatever you want..? Be creative as in time this myth to the people will become legend almost to the point it is like real. Similar in a way to how a gossip forms. One traditional myth turns over time into sometimes even historical characters.. Were they real people? Well, who knows really, no current religion has any proof so no worries there about all details, however i would recommend keeping it as simple as possible. Contradictions as like  in other present day religions are only going to make people confused and you do not want confused followers of a religion.
  4. Now that you have a basic and humble God or Energy force of some type belief system, you now need to embed the rewards. If one follows this religion they can have whatever they want in the afterlife. Porsche, Ferrari, big house, happiness etc…? It makes sense if this life was a struggle to them, then the afterlife gives them hope.
  5. Also, as a loophole by referring others to the belief system not only do you get rewards but you get a better guarantee of a reward in the afterlife. That way people will refer others for free similar to other Multi Level Marketing companies and means less work for the religion.
  6. Create symbols for your faith, this helps a lot and people love symbols.
  7. Those that break the rules of the belief system, well they either get not as good reward after death as those that follow it or they get punished in the afterlife. Now, i would not go as far as being similar to what books like the Qur’an says of eternal fire, or what the Bible says on Hell.  Instead we could encourage a balance of a real democratic fair legal system of the country and punish those in real life for there crimes. Let the legal system take care of it basically instead, like i said earlier promote a peaceful religion that has little error for evil misinterpretation or extremism.
  8. Demonstrations of the God or your belief system need to be simple as well. Let’s not have it all complex and confusing. A simple God or belief system creates less questions for the new religion. So instead, mix some of the new sciences into the belief system, that way no arguments from the science community. Your new belief system could include evolution, space, the sun, gravity etc, etc..
  9. Indoctrinate the children has worked great in other religions. How this is done is convince your kids at an early age before they have had a chance to think on life that this belief system is the real one. And to create another loophole, if the kid chooses not to believe they do not get bonuses in life.
  10. In the most disciplined believers give them more authority in the the faith by telling them to open up worship areas for the religion and get them to instruct others on this basic positive belief system. It is there job to keep people motivated often.
  11. Lastly and most importantly as learned from current dominant religions today, you need to Alienate other religions as much as possible. Other beliefs are people swayed by the wrong faith. Instruct the followers of the faith to feel sorry for these people because they are following the wrong God and they will not get a Porsche or Mercedes in the afterlife or a brand new house. They are miss guided and it is there job to try to sway them to the real new faith. This can be easily embedded in the writings of your belief system and demonstrations of previous Godly or new age power. As no one was there to see these acts, believers will have to blindly believe in the myths as is common today as well with many modern religions. This is a real great loophole.
  12. Inspire positive actions with your believers as they will carry the belief further and you never know, it may even get as popular as other mainstream religions.


Me in Thailand standing in front of the Reclining Buddha.

Okay, so that is it in Summary, one could also Summarize it into Three Main Categories:

  1. Positive
  2. Belief
  3. Reward

This alone could be the driving force to many people and to the followers action. Like I said and i will repeat again, starting a religion today one MUST keep it as simple as possible.

The Big Aspects to Avoid..

Avoid evil intentions in your belief system. Do not mention death or killings for God as previous other religions have done. Instead Like I keep saying, keep it simple and positive. That way no one can label the religion as a Evil Cult or bad influence in the world. Instead sway people with positive actions and results. Learn from other religions mistakes.


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