Secret Power Of Manifestation – A Common Story

secret of manifestations

I wanted to share a story that is quite common in the world of manifestation and by doing so I hope we all can get a better idea on the subject. Such a big topic over all and quite controversial as well, the art of attracting or manifestation is something none of us can escape from whether we like it … Read more

Garden Of Eden Found Underwater

garden of eden

The myth of the Garden of Eden may in fact be a real place. Clues lie within the bible and scriptures. Like all myths and old stories though, it could all be a false hope for those searching for answers, however the clues surely are intriguing. Now onto the interesting aspect, if it truly is the location drawn by clues … Read more

Alien Skulls Discovered in Mexico

If you have been watching the news lately or hanging around of late you may have noticed a batch of videos to do with a new discovery of alien looking skulls found in Mexico just recently. To me they appear unusual, however it is quite likely that they are just skulls of people that used to practice head elongation … Read more

How to Control Psychic Abilities?

So, you have Psychic Abilities, you are probably wondering now if there are ways of controlling it? That is great if that is so because this is the first step in the right direction. Many will fight what they have and in the end have to deal with it one way or another. Don’t misread this, there are ways of hiding from it … Read more