Secret Power Of Manifestation – A Common Story

I wanted to share a story that is quite common in the world of manifestation and by doing so I hope we all can get a better idea on the subject. Such a big topic over all and quite controversial as well, the art of attracting or manifestation is something none of us can escape from whether we like it or not.

Here is the Story:

( This could be any couple, I will not name names as that is not part of it, I will only share that this situation is extremely common and seen first hand on multiple occasions. )

A young couple had met, for name sakes i will call them Tom and Sally. They were young, deep in love, everything was going quite great for them and they felt like the world was an amazing adventure where anything could happen. Love kept them going and they started planning there future. For Tom life was much different, he had a successful business, he ran a series of successful websites and life was good to him, he felt positive about the future and it had always been that way.

Unfortunately for Tom things started to change though, he started experiencing difficulties in his life and was scratching his head to work out why. Now let’s go back to Sally, she had been brought up differently and believed everything in life was not easy and that it was luck that had gotten her here. She was quite negative about many aspects in life and shared her negative view with Tom on many occasions. At first Tom felt quite okay with it and thought that in time her view was one that would be okay, it was not how he saw the world so tried not to ponder on..

secret of manifestations

A few months later everything started to get harder and harder, now they were struggling to pay the rent, to travel, to even think of the future. Tom was so worried about his business because for some reason aspects that had worked for him in the past were now difficult. On the other hand Sally was still saying negative words to him, including stuff like, “why don’t you give up on the business” or “we cannot do this because we cannot afford it” or “we will never own a house”..

This became more common and Tom really was on the verge of giving up.. He had almost packed his bag until all of a sudden he stopped and thought on the situation. The one aspect that had changed in his life was Sally and her negative perspective on life and the future. While he loved her dearly he realized that maybe it was her causing the issues. Now he did not understand the secret of manifestations however he knew that something unusual was forming in his life since her negative influence.

So, he had to say to her, “Please Sally, let’s be positive on our future and let’s see what happens..”

Now, this was not normal to Sally but after many debating and transitions, finally Tom got Sally to just try even if only for a few weeks. He asked her not to mention anything negative and that if she felt negative to leave and come back when she felt normal again. It was hard for her, for one thing she did not realize she even was that type of person, I think partly she thought the negative thoughts and words were helping the situation in some way.

— Now back on the subject, those that understand the rules of manifestation know that negative thoughts and words create negative reaction and positive thoughts and words create positive reaction and manifestations.

So things had to change, slowly Sally started to change and she started to recognize her negative ways, it was hard at first like suggested above but in time Tom helped correct her old habits. Now here is where the magick started, soon after sales started improving on Tom’s sites, he was almost back to normal. They were soon being offered opportunity after opportunity and soon Tom had turned his life back around to the normal. He could see that something he had done had changed things, yet all he did was change some negative thought patterns in his girlfriend and the way she saw the world. Could that be it he thought and he pondered.

He decided to take this one step further, he wanted to test the boundaries, he asked Sally to be positive about there future and expect things, such things included a house, a car, a successful career for Sally which she desired but had thought in the past impossible..

Things kept changing and over time Sally got a great job that got her the career she wanted. Tom’s business now earns over $20,000 a month. They now live in the house they always imagined and they drive the car they always wanted. Things had changed for them, but why..?


Let’s reflect on this a minute. The story above is so similar to so many others, people often do not know the power of negative thoughts or words and so tend to ignore them. Do you relate? Is there anything in your life you are negative about? Do you often have negative patterns of thought..? If so, time to reflect I reckon. It is easy to get trapped by things we feel or assume do not harm us, thoughts are powerful, we attract whatever in our lives due to the thoughts we have. This has been proven time and time again and Tom and Sally’s story above is a great example of this as well.


3 thoughts on “Secret Power Of Manifestation – A Common Story”

  1. It’s funny that positive and negative attract.The two opposites of ying and yang are one,but are different.One can not live without the other,positive and negative.

    We all can be positive,and negative,and it’s apart of us.

    It’s not negativity thats the problem,but the fear of the future,and putting your own negativity and fears on others,which is forced.But not all negativity is bad.

    I run a very successful publications business here in the uk.If i never had people believe in what i was doing,i would probably never have got started.I needed the positivity from others,to back me.Positivity is key to success,but at times you do get negative,but for fears sake you keep going,fear of having nothing,helps drive me to where i want to go.A negative response to a positive situration can help drive you.Fear is a form of negativity,and it is this form of negativity,that stops people doing what they want,but it is the same fear that drives you to do better.What if state of mind will stop the best of us doing what we want.I can state of mind will take you to the stars.

    • Thanks for the comment Chris.. Great example.. And a good example of you using positive attraction overall as well with your business.

      You have a good point, however I would recommend not putting weaknesses on yourself by saying one cannot be without the other.. One only needs to be more than 80% to be in positive control.
      And the fact that you conquer fear in a positive way is still positive overcoming, imagine if you just used positive solely, try not to live in fear.. As long as one has there health what is there really to worry about.. Money is only a tool.

      One can be fully positive, however it is just very, very hard to have no negative at all. It seems impossible and to many can be almost be that due to conditioning similar to what you say, however there are examples of such and i am sure there were times in your life as well where you were completely positive ( or almost completely positive as well ). Times of no fear, times where one felt more at peace. During meditation etc..

      One example for some being when in love for the first time, you know the feeling, you know it to be utmost positive situation, encompassed in that situation, attraction between the two, you give in to the attraction of love and positive emotions..

      • I have thought about this & I have become very negative I also see it in my husband…he’s very negative. After reading this I am going to try it & also get my husband to do the same & see what happens. Having a positive outlook can’t hurt or make things in our life any worse!
        Thank you for this article.


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