The Nine Forbidden Practices of the Occult – The Debunked Version

I have noticed a lot of Christian websites, this one as example trying to once again put the Occult practice into another yet evil form of practice. This type of thing really frustrates me because it really is leading people down the wrong path in life and is not allowing people to grow in a spiritual way. The rules and laws as they call it are in nine main areas and are things seen as not to do. This is all references from the Bible which as we all know if read contradicts itself over and over.

However this is not the normal post, this is the debunked version, giving reasons and understanding into why we should really avoid such propaganda, the Occult is the study of the unknown and that is all. A search often for the inner spiritual side of ourselves or to further understand the world and universe around us.

9 forbidden practices of the occult debunked version

( If you disagree with this post then please feel free to comment below )

The Nine Forbidden Practices of the Occult

Each one of the 9 rules below having my notes below on debunking the concept.

1) Human Sacrificesacrifice

I agree, human sacrifice is evil and wrong.

The common belief of Christians is that Jesus had to die for our sins but in truth this is in a way another human sacrifice offering to the Gods of that time type story. He did not have to die. People at the time said it had to happen to pay for our sins, just like people also used to at that time in that area of the world say that some sacrifices had to happen to get rain or better crops.

Any form of punishment of death throughout history is a form of human sacrifice.

The death penalty is still practiced in some countries around the world today.

Abortion is also another form of human sacrifice, in the case of abortion it is human sacrifice in the name of choice.

2) Divination – The heart of the occult. Manipulation from demonic sources.

Divination is to see partly into the future, to forecast like the weather channel, if someone has that gift would it not be like an act of god? I mean why believe in a god if they give gifts and then one cannot use it. This is a ridiculous forbidden practice. Everything is predicted these days, the weather, the economy and much more.

3) Astrology – We either trust God or the Zodiac but not both!

The opposing of astrology is most likely in here as would be opposing different beliefs, this does not make them better or the correct version of belief.

The truth is that there is no correct belief.

Morality Without Belief

You do not need to believe in a deity in order to know what is right or wrong morally. A moral action is an action that is the right action for that situation.

  • Is Abortion Moral? No as it causes harm to a unborn baby.
  • Is loving your country Moral? Yes, loving your country and the culture of your country is moral.
  • Is following laws that protect people Moral? Yes as long as that law does not restrict freedom of speech.
  • Are the Police Moral? Yes, of course, however like any organisation there is corruption, however as long as there are mechanisms in place to stop corruption then this deals with this issue.
  • Are Politicians Moral? Some are and some are not. Politicians are people so some are vulnerable to bribes, extortion and religious or political agenda. The best politician is a politician that is trying to help the country financially and improve the lives of the people that live there and a politician that puts there country first.
  • Is the Military Moral? In many instances they are, however it depends on what the military is used for. If a military is used to protect a country from violent invaders, then yes, if a military is used for protecting innocent people, then yes, if a military is used to prevent a war, then yes, if a military is used to to fight dangerous groups, then yes.
  • Is Censorship of Words Moral? No, in most cases. Any political law or religion banning sounds is a form of evil control.
  • Is Human Rights Moral? Yes, however within reason. Human rights is only valid for all peace loving people. Human rights does not give permission for violent people or groups to take away human rights from peace loving people. In other words, human rights is only for people that are peaceful and is not for people that are not.
  • Is Christianity Moral? When it comes to Christianity, most Christians try to be very moral people.
  • Is Absolute Truth Moral? Yes, absolute truth is always Moral.

4) Enchanter – Someone satanically endowed to produce seductive spells.


Yes, I agree, using magic or any form of religion to encourage someone to fall in love with someone is wrong.

5) Witchcraft and Witches – Includes its modern, organized counterpart, Wicca.

The problem with this rule is that the study of science was initially called Witchcraft. In fact it has been proven with evidence on many occasions that most witches were simply herbalists that helped heal the people. Many churches were initially against herbalists or the study of medicine as they believed it would take away the power from the religion. Not to mention if a herbalist helped someone heal some believed it was some type of evil magic that helped them heal.

The punishment for a practitioner of basic medicine during those transition times was often being put to death or sacrificed rather than them losing control.

It really depends on the the interpretation of the meaning of witchcraft or witches with this one.

6) Charmer – One who manipulates objects or beings via demonic power.

I agree, manipulating others from a position of power in any way such as with religion, government propaganda, politics to do evil or violent things is evil. Propaganda has often been referred to as a charm for the masses.

7) Consulter with Familiar Spirits – One who gleans knowledge from demonic contact.

Yeah, I agree, contacting spirits is best avoided on all levels. However in some circumstances people are born and are able to see spirits where they have no control. Not to mention there are also haunted houses and places where evil resides which is not in control of the individual.

Contacting spirits in general whether biblical saints, should be avoided as we never know what we may encounter.

8) Wizards – Practitioners of Magical Arts.

Back to the science aspect and the church losing control. This rule was made for that purpose, the Bible is full of Wizards and magical acts. Not to mention common Bible verses and calling on or praying to Jesus or other Deities is a form of magick conjuration for aid. This is a spell people, so please do not kid yourself.

When one says “Protect me Lord” or “Save me Jesus” they are asking for Magickal protection, a mild form of spell casting.

The promoting of belief in the Bible which the church does and many other religions is a form of magic, this type of magic is referred to as belief magic. Often used as a way to enslave believers and give control to the church ( or another religion ).


Image Above – Wizards taken from the original Dungeons and Dragons game.

9) Necromancers – Those who claim to be in contact with the dead.

Well, back on a similar note once again, Jesus was born and died like any other humans out there and yet many claim to talk to Jesus everyday. Is that an evil forbidden practice? Or have we all just got selective rules here, based on philosophy? When a loved one dies naturally, is it not okay to honor them after death and even talk to them.? If for some reason they contact us back, is that really an evil act or forbidden act? I think not, the Bible is full of similar cases, so why such a rigid rule here? Is it really wrong if a loved one comes to visit one last time after death which is common as seen by so many testimonies across the world?

Forcibly contacting is something I would avoid, I agree, however what if someone is born with the ability to see spirits or was unfortunate to live in a haunted house like I did in my young teens then they may have no choice.

Okay, that is it for my debunking for now, let me know what you think by commenting below. There is so much more that could be said on the subject yet I do not want this post to go on forever. For more posts like this do not forget to subscribe and keep up to date.


4 thoughts on “The Nine Forbidden Practices of the Occult – The Debunked Version”

  1. Hey Tim, good to see somone who can see a bigger picture other than the baser good vs evil, I prefer a “service to self & service to others” as no action can ever truelly be biasedly good or evil, all actions comprise of a desire to service self and compolsion to service others.

    1) Christian culture should remember that the acts of prayer(a sacrificial offering of spiritual energies),Martodem(sacrificial warriors or vealots chosen to fight and die for/in the name of “god”),penance(sarifice of life energy to appease “god”),babtism and cristenings(the worst of all, offering the life and soul of an infant to “god”). these are all forms of Human sacrifice. When you consider that the christian “faith” is merely a system for the production and indoctrination of Willing self-sacrificing souls for the empowerment of a singular spiritual being, it makes far greater sense as to why christians have no desire to pursue the Occult as it only weakens their “faith”(an indoctrinated belief in a concept that is without lived or witnessed experience)as the Occult shows and affirms knowledge through active spiritual practice not “faith”.For Me there has never been a choice to “believe” or “disbelieve” only the choice to embrace that which is reality, all of reality not just what everyone else chooses to accept.

    2-9)these are all aspects of daily life for Me, most of which are used for helping other people,not for financial gain,not for a debt of graditude,not in service to a singular entity/being,not in “Penance” for misdeads. Just because I am able to and desire to grow within the chaotic order of existance physically & spiritually walking a path of my choosing and holding MYSELF in check without need of a BOOK. if you ever want to LEARN anything not taught by mankind than The Occult will provide answers where “faith” only provides subservience and NO FREE WILL.

    Having said that, there are dangers or risks when undertaking many of these practices,but the risks involved are far less than the guaranteed loss of ones lifetime and soul(the eternal essence of your being)by offering ones self to “god” through blind subservient worship.

    I choose self empowerment not self destruction
    I choose to enlightenment not ignorance
    What will you choose?……

  2. I don’t know about bashing on the Bible so bad. I realized people took out of it, found the Lesser and Greater Key of Solomon and Enochian Magick by trusting God and opening my mind to the fact someone removed shit and I live a successful Magickal life doing many things you do not recommend here like enchanting, divination, and can make very easy contact with the dead and I apply these things properly and please God and I succeed. Idk maybe don’t let the leaders of a great faith ruin your thought process as to how we act.

  3. Interesting post. I’d like to point out the excessive emphasis placed on Christianity. Yes, Christians tend to be the most likely to point out the “evils” of occultism and modern witchcraft, but really, any individual of any group can do this. I just think this just happens to occur most often with Christians, mostly (emphasis on mostly) because of their sheer numbers. If everyone had a random chance of badmouthing witchcraft, Christians, being members of one of the top 5 religions and the #1 religion in most of the U.S. and Europe (I’m using “Christianity” to refer to both Catholicism and Protestantism), would get picked most of the time.

    Also, I take issue with your listings of morals under “morality without belief.” I don’t disagree with your claim, but I feel like the questions and answers reflect your personal morals and values? Many would disagree or feel ambivalent about these topics.

    And I’d disagree about the contact with spirits. Contact with spirits should be avoided as much as possible if you’re a beginner (unless you want to accidentally p*ss off some short-tempered spirit), but if you feel prepared enough for the task and have a reason to do so, I’d say go ahead!

    Overall, I think the message is good, but all of it could be reworded in a less provoking manner. As a person standing on the “occultism isn’t evil” side of this topic, I don’t mind, but if the goal is to convince people on the “occultism is evil” side, I think you could reconsider your word choice and presentation.


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